Robert Radway and Tathagata Srimani, Congratulations on the Award!
Paper Title: Foundry Monolithic 3D BEOL Transistor + Memory Stack : Iso-performance and Iso-footprint BEOL Carbon Nanotube FET+RRAM vs. FEOL Silicon FET+RRAM
Authors / Affiliations: T. Srimani*,1, A. C. Yu*,2, R. M. Radway*,1, D. T. Rich1, M. Nelson3, S. Wong1, D. Murphy4, S. Fuller4, G. Hills2,5, S. Mitra1, M. M. Shulaker2,4
*Equal Contribution; 1Stanford University, CA, USA; 2MIT, MA, USA; 3SkyWater Technology Foundry, MN, USA; 4Analog Devices, Inc., MA, USA; 5Harvard University, MA, USA
The award ceremony took place during the 2024 VLSI Symposium, in Honolulu, Hawaii.